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Semilab Metrology Solutions
For All Your Metrology Needs
PicoTech offers a full range of Metrology Solutions and Analytical Tools by Semilab including manual, semi-auto and fully automatic machines for R&D and Production purposes (from pieces up to 300mm wafers). The list of technologies includes but not limited to:

Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Porosimetry
Scanning Probe Microscopy (AFM)
Parallel Dipole Hall Measurements
Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy
Contact/Non-Contact C-V Profiling
Minority Carrier Diffusion Length Measurement
Minority Carrier Lifetime Measurement
Non-Contact Carrier Mobility Measurement
Contactless Resistivity Mapping
Sheet Resistance Measurements
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Spectroscopic Ellipsometers and Porosimeters

PicoTech offers a full range of manual, semi-auto and fully automatic Ellipsometers by Semilab including Spectroscopic, Single Wavelength and In-Situ versions.

Together with MID-IR extension, Semilab ellipsometers can cover 190nm - 25um wavelength range. Manual or motorized substrate handling allows to work with different sample sizes starting from pieces and up to 300mm semiconductor wafers.  

Visit our APPLICATION PAGE to find out more. Also on VIDEO.
SE-1000 R&D table-top Ellipsometer
SE-1000 provides modularity and high measurement performance in a compact table top footprint. This cost-efficient tool includes manual goniometer and manual sample positioning suitable for R&D laboratories. 

It performs non-contact and non-destructive optical measurements on substrates, single layer and multi-layer samples to obtain individual thin film thickness and optical properties. 

Measurement modes:
  • Spectroscopic Ellipsometry with rotating compensator
  • Generalized Ellipsometry for anisotropic samples
  • Mueller matrix 11 coefficients
  • Jones matrix
SE-2000 Ellipsometer
SE-2000 features the widest spectral range available on a single tool. The ranging is from the deep UV (190 nm) up to mid-IR (25 μm). Full motorization is available on SE-2000 platform.

Main measurement modes:
  • Spectroscopic Ellipsometry for thin film thickness and optical functions, including complex multilayer structures
  • Generalized Ellipsometry for anisotropic materials
  • Transmission Ellipsometry for transparent substrates
  • Scatterometry vs. wavelength and angle of incidence
  • Mueller Matrix (11 or 16 elements) uniquely offered in combination with Scatterometry for 3D anisotropic materials
  • Jones Matrix for simple anisotropic materials
SE-2000 with NIR and other options
The SE-2000 tool is uniquely offered with an optional FTIR ellipsometer head on the same goniometer with the visible arms. It can be configured with the fast detection mode by using spectrograph and detector array, with the high resolution mode by using spectrometer and single point detectors, or with both modes together on the same tool.   

Additional options and measurement modes:
  • Reflectance & Transmittance vs. wavelength and incidence angle
  • Polarimetry
  • Porosimetry: Measurements of pore size and porosity in thin films
  • In situ measurement mode for real time control during deposition or etch process
Introducing Semilab Company
Solutions for Semiconductors and R&D

Semilab offers a variety of solutions for different measurement and application needs in the semiconductor industry and R&D. From the starting material to back-end processing, equipment is available for the testing of bulk contaminants in Silicon with the highest possible sensitivity, for epi resistivity measurement, to control optical and electrical properties of dielectrics on product wafers, for ion implant monitoring and defect detection, for characterization of backend dielectrics, 3D structures, and also for controlling wafer bonding. Wherever possible, measurements are non-contact and non-destructive. Most techniques are available with different levels of automation, from lab usage with manual operation to full automation. 

Semilab R&D scale tools cover many different technologies, including: Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Porosimetry, Scanning Probe Microscopy (AFM), Nanoindentation, Parallel Dipole Hall Measurements, Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy, Contact/Non-Contact C-V Profiling, Minority Carrier Diffusion Length Measurement, Minority Carrier Lifetime Measurement, Non-Contact Carrier Mobility Measurement, Contactless Resistivity Mapping, Sheet Resistance Measurements and others.

Visit our APPLICATION PAGE to find out more. 
WT-2000 Versatile Platform
The WT-2000 is a powerful tabletop measurement platform for performing many different semiconductor material characterization measurements. The base system includes all the overhead functions necessary to perform characterization measurements. It is typically used to make maps, where the wafer is scanned at a programmable raster. The WT-2000 can also perform measurements at specific, programmable measurement locations. 

Measurement capabilities:
  • µ-PCD for measuring carrier lifetime
  • SPV for measuring diffusion length
  • JPV for measuring ion implants
  • SHR / sheet resistance 
  • Eddy current measurement of sheet resistance
  • VQ for oxide monitoring
  • LBIC / photovoltaic response, quantum efficiency, diffusion length 
Parallel Dipole Hall Measurements
The PDL Hall system is capable of both AC and DC Hall measurement modes. The AC field measurement can be used for materials with the mobility of below 0.1 cm2/Vs, which is an advantage compared to the DC field measurement mode. Materials with such attributes are usually semiconductor, photovoltaic or thermoelectric materials. 

Main Features:
  • Ability to measure a wide range of mobilities, including extremely low mobilities and semi-insulating samples. Includes capability to perform both alternating (AC) and traditional static field (DC) Hall measurements.
  • Software extracts low Hall signal using software-based lock-in detection
  • The rotating PDL system can serve as basic building block to generate AC field for various experiment or test systems (General purpose AC magnetic field system, Faraday effect, Photoelectromagnet (PEM) effect)
Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy
The Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) is a powerful technology for the detection and identification of electrically active defects (known as traps) in semiconductors. These can occur due to contamination or crystal defects. 

It is an extremely versatile method for determining all parameters associated with deep traps, including energy level, capturing cross section and concentration distribution. It allows the identification of the impurities and is capable of detecting contamination concentrations below 5×107 atoms/cm3.

DLTS is a destructive technique, as it requires the forming of either a Schottky-diode, or a p-n junction with a small sample, usually cut from a complete wafer. 
Corema-2000 Contactless Resistivity Mapping
Semilab's COREMA-2000 system is based on a contactless capacitance technique used for precise resistivity characterization of semi-insulating compound semiconductors over a wide resistivity range, useful for the device manufacturing industry.

Knowing the uniformity of resistivity and mobility values is critical to achieve process optimization. Mapping is critical for semi-insulating semiconductor QA processes as they show inhomogeneities that occur during manufacturing. 

  • Measures compound semiconductors: GaAs, SiC, GaN, CdTe, InP
  • Resistivity measurement of compound semiconductors over a wide range (1x105-1x1012 Ωcm)
Scanning Probe Microscopy (AFM-2000)
Atomic Force Microscope - AFM-2000 is an automated high-end Scanning Probe Microscopy platform for large samples.

Its long range XY translators allow the investigation of up to 300 mm samples and fragments at all positions. The fully programmable sample positioning enables autonomous AFM measurements on multiple sample positions with automatic image analysis and automatic report generation. The combination with high end optics enable on automated preselection of sample sites for SPM investigation.

Thereby the Semilab AFM-2000 setup is the optimal solution for industry quality maintenance application and R&D environments. 
Nanoindentation IND-1500
Semilab's IND-1500 is an advanced nanoindentation tester with closed and isolated enclosure, improved noise and vibration isolation. This equipment is applicable for thin film characterization even on samples with 150-200 nm of thicknesses.

Tool features:
  • Precise sample positioning is ensured by video microscope and software-driven X, Y, Z movement
  • Measured material properties: Elastic Modulus, Hardness, Yield Strength, Storage and Loss Moduli, Fracture Toughness, Scratch and Wear properties
  • Closed loop force/depth feedback
  • Easy indenter tip changeover
  • Low compliance load frame, enclosure and mountings
  • Traceable calibration
  • Choice of staging and microscope to suit budget
FPP-1000 Contact Resistivity Measurements
Semilab's FPP-1000 is standalone platform with built-in, conventional four-point probe head. It uses an absolute measurement method without recourse to calibrated standards.

Features and System specifications:
  • Sheet resistance range: 0.1 mΩ/sq – 50M Ω/sq
  • Max. Touchdowns: ~100.000
  • Tip material: Tungsten carbide
  • 4 Point Probe head options:
    • Spacing: 0.500, 0.635, 1.000, 1.591 mm (default: 1 mm)
    • Load force: 10-150g (default: 100g)
LEI-1510 Non-Contact Sheet Resistance
Semilab's LEI-1510EC is ideal for both R&D and volume production metrology (Non-Contact Sheet Resistance by Eddy current).

The 1510 as a stand-alone unit is manually loaded and automatically maps. It can accommodate 50-200 mm wafers.

Three ranges of measurement accommodate 0.035 to 3200 Ohm/sq as needed by the application. The EC model is slightly faster than the EB model for those applications where throughput is critical.
PN-100 Tester
Semilab's PN-100 is a fast, easy-to-use, non-contact tool for determining conductivity type (p or n) of the semiconductor materials.

  • Type determination of silicon blocks and wafers including single- or multicrystalline material as well as bare and oxidized wafers
  • Measurement time: 0.5 s
  • Result display:
    • Red LED = P-type
    • Green LED = N-type
  • Resistivity range: 20 mΩcm to 3000 Ωcm
  • Measurement spot: diameter depends on the distance: ~10-20 mm
  • Excitation depth: ~3 μm
SE-2000 Spectroscopic Ellipsometer
Production Tools and Technologies

For production needs Semilab equipment covers many different technologies, including: Air-gap and contact CV Profiling, Mercury CV, SPM/AFM, FTIR reflectometry, Ellipsometry, Defect Inspection by multiple techniques, Minority Carrier Diffusion Lenght and Mobility measurements, Sheet Resistance by multiple techniques, Solar Cells Inspection and Sorting, and many others. 

Since there are many diffrent production machines in Semilab's portfolio, more detailed infomration could be found via the link to the APPLICATION PAGE

Below there is a brief gallery of Semilab's production machines from the diffrent product families and for different measurements technologies.

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